TRSB Governance

The TRSB governance balances the interests of both companies and financiers.

With a complete set of policies and procedures established in its by-laws, the TRSB board works with stakeholders’ representatives to ensure that The Standards‘ beneficial effects are applied to maximum capacity and accrues to all stakeholders.

The TRSB is set up as a charitable foundation in Holland, under Dutch Law. As such, the entity has no owners, and any and all of its income and contributions are invested towards it’s main goal of improving access to finance through the provision of a global set of standards for financing receivables, and controlling their proper use.

TRSB Standards may also be implemented in a jurisdiction through governmental or semi-governmental institutions like tax authorities, chambers of commerce, or collateral registration entities.

Corporate Social Responsibility

TRSB’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy articulates the platform’s performance and achievements related to social, governance and environmental priorities, and outlines how it engages with its stakeholders.

CSR is at the heart of the Trade Receivable Standards Board Foundation

Balance the interests of companies and financiers.

Create standarized fair documentation for all stakeholders.

Promote accuracy of risk measurement by incorporating the quality of products and services.

Reward companies for fair behaviour in their relationships with buyers and suppliers.

Reward companies for their transparency in trade.

Maximise business continuity and information security.

Promote sustainable business growth on a global scale.

Promote the development of all participating persons involved.

Fair access and pricing to credit for customers, avoiding conflicts of interest.

Promote diversity and equality, eliminating discrimination.

The TRSB Foundation’s board represents the stakeholders, primarily companies, financiers and service providers in order to maximise the benefit for all parties involved.